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Palu, Indonesia

Home » Tandem Booking » Palu, Sulawesi Tengah

Tandem paragliding in Palu offers you an aerial view of Palu city by the ocean bay and mountain range in the backdrop.

Travel summary

Palu is a popular destination for paragliding activities for its mountain range and aerial view of the city from the flying hill.

Traveling to Palu is often via transit in Jakarta or Makassar on the south of Sulawesi. From the Mutiara SIS Aljufri Airport (PLW), we will arrange for airport transfers and it takes about 50 minutes drive.

Airport information

Palu’s airport is called Mutiara SIS Aljufri (PLW) and handles domestic flights from Indonesia’s major cities. There are frequent flights to PLW from Jakarta (CGK) on daily or weekly basis.

Hotel information

There are plenty of choices for comfortable accommodations in Palu and below are a few recommendations :

Photo Gallery

From the airport, we will arrange transfers to the hotel and flying site’s takeoff area. Below is a gallery of the flying sites :

Contact Us

Tandem Service Manager (TSM) is the person in-charged of the whole operation, from arranging your flights at suitable location and assigning you a pilot, until managing the payments and even able to arrange for a hotel pickup if necessary. Upon successfully submitting the tandem booking form below, the system will automatically send you all the details.

To chat with our Manager via WhatsApp, click the WA button below the photo.

Important notes

What to wear

The most important part is the shoes, please make sure that you wear proper shoes for outdoor activities. Applying sunblocks would help to prevent sunburns and we do not have particular dress codes, you are allowed to wear any attire that is comfortable for an outdoor activity.

Health screening

Tandem paragliding is not a rigorous activity, if you are generally healthy then you will enjoy the activity. However, if you are pregnant even during the first trimester then we advice that you do not engage in this activity.

If you have any health condition that might prevent you from participating or if it could be a health risk while engaging in the activity, please declare them in the registration form for further assessments.

Video of flights

All tandem paragliding flights will be recorded using an outdoor camera such as GoPro and the videos will be transferred to your mobile phone after the flight.

Please make sure that your phone has enough storage space for the transfer.

Passenger insurance

At some of the locations, we will register you to an insurance plan that covers paragliding activity and this coverage only applies for the registered activity with us.

Flight duration

The minimum flight time is 10 minutes, however it is common that we will fly you a few minutes longer whenever the weather condition allows.

For an extended flight duration, please make a special request in the registration form or directly to the pilot before commencing the flight. Additional flight time might incur some charges at the discretion of the pilot.

How much does it cost

Tandem paragliding flights in Palu is IDR800.000,00 per-person in Indonesian Rupiah. This is approximately USD51 depending on the fluctuation of international currency exchange rates.

The price will reduce based on the number of passengers in your group, for example 5-10 pax registered in one group will have significant discount in the total fee amount. This offset will be calculated by the TSM after receiving your booking registration.

All payments are in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) made directly to the Tandem Service Manager (TSM) when you are at the flying location.

Are you ready to fly with us?

Please fill in the booking form below and we will contact you soonest possible to arrange the logistics.